Kamis, 28 April 2011

dom's charger

w bisa nyelesaiin  gk ya bikin mobil , kalo bisa wihh enak bgt . tapi w gk punya blue coins w punya cuma 1 tapi kalo points biasa w punya banyak buanget . mudah mudahan ada yg promo trus ngasi blue points sebanyak-banyak nya,.....hehehe ngigau gw


Minggu, 17 April 2011

story about apwg

Iam a dork and i hate apwg.
apwg is a wierd group, they all consist of an idiot and stupid people.
the group is poor , tacky and don't have a symbol.
apwg is a haters the group band PWG , but when pwg sing their song apwg sing too .
sometimes while PWG concert apwg make a riot . in a PWG on sctv "sansan" the vocalist PWG exposed the
 sandals from apwg and it landed in his face.....

Sabtu, 09 April 2011


Mulai dari 12 november 2010 w udah maen cartown terus sekarang rasa nya w udah agak bosen ye, soalnya yang gue pinginin udah tercapai semua. punya skyline udah , pohon duit udah  trus koleksi mobil udah semua. jadi w maen gk ada tujuan , yaaaa cuma sekedar maen aja hehehhe